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What advertisers have to say about Trust Local

Rating: 10/10

Courtesy Excellent


Trust Local play a very important role in the area, ensuring that there is a trusted source of service providers available to the local community. I am thrilled that Trust Local has joined the Premium Partnership scheme and look forward to building a strong and long-lasting relationship that links education and business for the future.” Melanie Warnes Headteacher, The Castle School

Review by Melanie Warnes/ Castle School from Thornbury

Reliability Excellent

Courtesy Excellent

Tidiness Excellent


Advertising with Trust Local has bought me far more work and new clients than any other advertising I have done before! I had my first phone call from a new customer within 2 days of the magazine being delivered. Investing in a full page advert (from a classified) has only proved to bring more inquiries - and I would highly recommend to future advertisers to take the biggest size they can afford. Advertising with Trust Local really does work!

Review by Mary cook/ Designer from

Courtesy Excellent


My name is Grant Bartrop from At Home Curtains and Blinds I would just like to say a big thank you to Trust Local. My Local business has increased by the magazine coming out, as a large percentage of my customer base is of the more mature generation. The feed back I am getting is it\'s great to have a magazine which focuses on local businesses who have been checked and verified to be trustworthy. On the customers I have spoken to recently they are keeping the magazine by the phone for future use.

Review by Grant Bartrop/ At Home Curtains and Blinds from Charfield

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