Vehicle Hire in Winterbourne

CP Hire

Construction business in Bristol, City of Bristol

CP Hire Bristol offers a full range of plant hire. We provide premium brands in our fleet known for their quality and reliability. CP Hire deliver excellent customer service, a fully-trained team will be on hand to provide on-site assistance to ensure your expectations and needs are fully met.

What advertisers have to say about Trust Local

Rating: 10/10

Reliability Excellent

Courtesy Excellent

Tidiness Excellent


Posted by Paul Montanaro on September 6 I am delighted to be listed within trustlocal and its format will lend itself to becoming a powerful search engine for individuals and businesses looking to engage reliable business people. The trust local team are professional, courteous and efficient and are always ready to offer help, support and a point of view how best a business should present itself.

Review by Paul montanaro/ Accountant from Bradley stoke

Reliability Excellent

Courtesy Excellent

Tidiness Excellent


I started advertising my business in Trust Local in June 2014 the service received was excellent and the advert created very good. As a result I have received enquiries and business from the directory. I have also utilised the referral meetings which are an amazing opportunity to meet like minded business people and another fantastic way to increase your business. I am very happy that I have taken the opportunity to invest in advertising with Trust Local.

Review by Vicky Denning/ Juice plus from Bristol

Reliability Excellent

Courtesy Excellent

Tidiness Excellent


Advertising with Trust Local has bought me far more work and new clients than any other advertising I have done before! I had my first phone call from a new customer within 2 days of the magazine being delivered. Investing in a full page advert (from a classified) has only proved to bring more inquiries - and I would highly recommend to future advertisers to take the biggest size they can afford. Advertising with Trust Local really does work!

Review by Mary cook/ Designer from

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