PAT Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning Services Throughout Bristol

If you are looking for a professional and trusting cleaning company, you are at the right place! We have been in the cleaning business for over a decade. Throughout this time, we managed to learn about the specificity of the market and gain the trust of many companies. Get to know us!

You can find our office in Cardiff. This is where in 2007 our family business was created, which is running dynamically until today. When we were opening our company we have had one aim- willingness to deliver complex cleaning services at the highest level.

We approach each assignment with huge eagerness and positive energy, giving our all. Our effort has been appreciated by a number of satisfied clients, which is constantly expanding. We individually fit the range of services to a specificity of place by preparing the offer in accordance with the actual client’s needs. We clean venues, which serve around 40 thousand people weekly. We never skimp on cleaning products! We are using the best detergents on the market, focusing on the highest standard after all!


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