Building a network of support to help your small business


When you run a small business, you may not have a lot of interaction with others during the day.  Rather than working in a large office full of colleagues you might work remotely.  Building up a network of support is not all about selling.   Having a support group of people you can talk to about your business can help you grow and succeed. 

Find events that suit you

Face to face networking can help you meet new people and contacts.  Big events may not always be best to make useful connections.  Smaller events with the right type of people could be more valuable.  Some network events charge a fee and there are certain expectations put on members.  Others are more laid back and focus more on sharing knowledge. 

Don’t go just to sell

You shouldn’t go to events with the one aim of giving your business card to as many people as possible. Be open and friendly with people and listen to what they have to say.  If you can’t help someone but you have a contact who can, pass on their details.  People tend to do business with people they like and trust. 

Get advice

A network of support can be invaluable.  A support network can offer advice and share their experience and knowledge.  This could ease your stress and anxiety and alleviate any feelings of loneliness you have working for yourself.  Running your own business takes energy and you need support to keep you going.  Surrounding yourself with people with the same drive and ambition can really help. 

Learn from others

Joining a network with others within your industry can help your business grow as you can learn from each other.  It can help you stay on the cutting edge of technology or business trends.  This knowledge could be an advantage.  Learning a fresh way of doing things could give you the edge over your competitors. 

Raise your profile

Attending events can get you noticed.  If you attend regularly people will begin to recognise you and you can build a reputation of being reliable and supportive.   Networking groups can lead to joint ventures or speaking and writing opportunities that will raise your profile.  This can often lead to more referrals as people may think of you first for a project.      

Improve your confidence

Networking can improve your interpersonal skills.  The act of talking to people and making connections can improve your confidence in yourself and your business.

Commit your time

Networking can be a slow burn, the focus should be on building trusted relationships, not a quick sell.  Find solutions to help people within your network, don’t just sell your offering.  It is important to be genuine and interested in people.  This will help you develop your business and hopefully create leads. 

Small Business networking

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