Tips to help achieve a work life balance


We now live in a world where technology constantly connects us to work.  With smart phones pinging with emails at any time of the day it is harder than ever to switch off. But how can we try and get some balance back in our lives?

Turn off email notifications out of hours

Incessant checking of emails can increase your stress levels.  Turn off your emails out of working hours, making it clear you will reply later. If people know that you are away from your desk and that you will answer once you return you will probably find that they won’t mind as much as you think.

Learn to say no

Embrace the power of no!   If someone asks you to do something don’t answer immediately, say you will think about the request and then go away and decide whether you want to say yes.  If you want to say no, do it!  When work demands get too much you must try and speak out. 

Work smarter

If you feel you don’t have enough time in the day to do everything review how you structure and manage your day.  Learn the skill of prioritising, working out each day what needs to be done, looking at how long each task will take.  Sometimes it is easier to have a morning clearing small tasks to get them off your plate, so you can focus on bigger projects.  Try and avoid too many long meetings that have no clear outcome as these can take up a lot of time. 

Leave work at the door

At the end of the working day find some time to focus your mind on the tasks for the next day. Write them down and then switch your computer off, with this action mentally ending the day in your mind.  It could be that you take a deep breath as you leave the office or get in your car.  This moment of closure at the end of the day is a popular tip for helping to regain your work life balance.  If you must take work home, one suggestion is to work in a certain area of the house and then close the door on it when you are finished.

Don’t strive for perfection

If you are a perfectionist a small mistake at work could haunt your evening.  Sometimes “good enough” is enough, especially if you are overworked. Not everything will always be perfect, if you have done your best then don’t put extra stress on yourself. 

Some of these tips are easier said than done but it is important that we all unplug and switch off from work to ensure we can cope with what life throws at us.

work life balance

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