GloryGang Records

Making Music Business Easier

GloryGang Records is a service based record label. Established in 2016 after a lot of hard work, we aim mostly at improving musicians careers. Our main services consist of, marketing, digital distribution and brand development.

GGR started as an idea from Zack Worsfold from Bristol, he wanted to create an online based brand that directly focuses on promoting artists and becoming a community to portray a "Musical Gang". 

By October 2016 work had begun on building the network. First started with a social media based platform but was quickly changed into a diverse multi platform company.

135 hours of social media building, Network creation and expansion resulted in the network being completed by November 2nd 2016. Which was an amazing achievement!

Next followed personal promotion. For the next week Zack pushed his fresh new business everywhere and the network started to take off! 

9th November 2016 saw the opening of their business with raging success. 

The end of November and we started working with a few artists like Little Mo and LG.


By December 2016 GGR further expaned to create GloryGang Clothing, a diverse urban clothing brand that would support GGr and release it's own collections under their new trademarked name!

By August 2017 the label has re-branded with their flagship and iconic logo with elements of the original. We are passionate about your music! 

Still based out of Bristol, working with various artists from around the world, our main focus is to keep giving artists the best platform to release on to. And to continue to push the boundaries here at GloryGang Records


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