Be Aware of Charity Email Scams


when dealing with unexpected emails, whatever the reason for that mail is.

Get Safe Online, an organisation that provides advice on how to protect yourself

and your computer from online fraud, has issued a warning following the

devastating earthquake in Nepal. Natural disasters such as this present heartless

criminals with an ideal opportunity to release a wave of scam emails appealing to

people's genuine good nature. These emails can contain viruses or spyware that

can damage your computer and give scammers the opportunity to obtain personal


Other fraudulent emails will appeal for charitable donations but the links provided

are to fake charities or to copycat websites – websites that impersonate legitimate

well known charities in the hope of tricking people into providing their credit or

debit card details when making a donation.

If you decide to donate to a charitable appeal to help the victims of the Nepalese

earthquake (or to any other cause), the advice being offered is to go directly to

reputable charitable organisations, such as the Disaster Emergency Committee. Do

not respond to any unsolicited emails.

You can check whether a charity is registered with the Charity Commission by

visiting their section on the website. If you think that an email, appeal or

collection is not genuine, please report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

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