Doctors in Bristol

Edgecumbe Doctor 360

Expert, cost-effective feedback reports in record time

HR business in City of Bristol, England

Our Doctor 360° is the only 360 assessment that provides valid results with fewer responses than the standard GMC questionnaire: 12 colleague and 17 patient responses, making the process more efficient and less cumbersome for doctors. It highlights areas for development and results can be integrated with your Practice or Trust performance measures.

Mace Ent Ltd

Ent Specialist business in Marylebone, London

Dr Alasdair Mace, Consultant Ear Nose and Throat Specialist, Harley Street London and Bishopswood Hospital.

What advertisers have to say about Trust Local

Rating: 10/10

Reliability Excellent

Courtesy Excellent

Tidiness Excellent


Posted by Paul Montanaro on September 6 I am delighted to be listed within trustlocal and its format will lend itself to becoming a powerful search engine for individuals and businesses looking to engage reliable business people. The trust local team are professional, courteous and efficient and are always ready to offer help, support and a point of view how best a business should present itself.

Review by Paul montanaro/ Accountant from Bradley stoke

Courtesy Excellent


On behalf of the Carnival Committee, I want to thank you, personally, and your colleagues in Trust Local for your endeavours related to the Carnival. Throughout the year, your interest and concerns have been welcomed, and offers of future commitment are much appreciated. As I have explained before, the Carnival exists and in pursuit of that aim, the Trust Local involvement was welcomed and a valued contribution to the event itself.

Review by David Goldring/ Thornbury Carnival from Thornbury

Reliability Excellent

Courtesy Excellent

Tidiness Excellent


I've been advertising with Trust Local for over a year now and the exposure they give to my business is excellent. Advertising with them is brilliant value and I'm proud that my business is associated with a directory that celebrates trustworthy traders. I particularly enjoy the monthly networking events where I get to meet other local business owners and seek ways we can support each others businesses. Whether this is through introductions to potential clients, suppliers or sharing general business advice. Richard, the owner of Trust Local, really takes time to get to know your business and is passionate about helping you to achieve your goals. He really cares about local business and this comes across when using his services. When I need advice Richard is one of the first people I call and he's always willing to help where he can. I would recommend Trust Local to any business looking for more exposure and to grow their business in the local area.

Review by Marc Woodland from BRISTOL

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