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What advertisers have to say about Trust Local

Rating: 10/10

Reliability Excellent

Courtesy Excellent

Tidiness Excellent


I started advertising my business in Trust Local in June 2014 the service received was excellent and the advert created very good. As a result I have received enquiries and business from the directory. I have also utilised the referral meetings which are an amazing opportunity to meet like minded business people and another fantastic way to increase your business. I am very happy that I have taken the opportunity to invest in advertising with Trust Local.

Review by Vicky Denning/ Juice plus from Bristol

Reliability Excellent

Courtesy Excellent

Tidiness Excellent


Advertising with Trust Local has bought me far more work and new clients than any other advertising I have done before! I had my first phone call from a new customer within 2 days of the magazine being delivered. Investing in a full page advert (from a classified) has only proved to bring more inquiries - and I would highly recommend to future advertisers to take the biggest size they can afford. Advertising with Trust Local really does work!

Review by Mary cook/ Designer from

Courtesy Excellent


Trust local approached me in a very professional manner. I have been advertising in the magazine for just over a year and it has brought in some good business for me. I will continue to advertise my business within Trust Local.

Review by Lee Pearce / Unique plumbing and Heating from Almondsbury

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